
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Natalie Keng, Founder & CEO “Chief Eating Officer” of Global Hearth - Cooking Up a Better World

Natalie Keng, Founder & CEO “Chief Eating Officer” of Global Hearth - Cooking Up a Better World

What did you study at Harvard?

I studied social policy, environmental policy and leadership at Harvard’s Kennedy School. 

Were you involved with any food or wine activities while a student?

Not specifically, but my studies did touch upon where food (and water) comes from, and the different access to food and water across communities and cultures.  Also, the importance of supporting local farms and sustainable food systems.

Do you think that Harvard has prepared you for a career in food and wine or hospitality in general? If so, how?

The HKS experience and case studies, especially in leadership, public-private partnerships, and social policy inspired me to connect the dots between policy, politics, and the personal. None are effective in a vacuum or on their own. In more ways than one, it takes a village. And a village around a hearth, good food, good drink, and good people, are hard to beat!

What work do you do now?

I have the best job in the world, CEO, Chief Eating Officer, for a leadership consultancy I greeted called Global Hearth. 

When we learn to love the food, we're more open to the people. Empathy, active listening skills are key traits of a good leader. How will each and every one of us adapt, relate,  influence, collaborate  and/or lead our companies and communities with vision, intention, and resilience in an increasingly complex and CONNECTED world.

Websites that are relevant to your work or special interests:

Global Hearth™ | Cooking Up a Better World™ | 

Teambuilding & DEI Food & Culture Tours

Bestselling Book: Southern Living: The Delicious Combination of Egg Rolls & Sweet Tea

@TheSauceMaven: Facebook | Instagram

Meaghan Becker, Co-Founder of GrtWines & Principal of In Vino Veritas LLC

Meaghan Becker, Co-Founder of GrtWines & Principal of In Vino Veritas LLC

Will Hench, Co-Founder & CEO, LiquidRails & NIPYATA!

Will Hench, Co-Founder & CEO, LiquidRails & NIPYATA!