
Please be in touch with any questions or comments.

There are more of us than you'd think.

So no, most people don't come to Harvard with a goal of working in the business of food or wine. 

And yet.

Here we are, dispersed throughout many layers and segments of the hospitality industry, from chefs and sommeliers to CFOs, owner-managers and entrepreneurs.

There are more of us than you'd think.

When I founded the Harvard Alumni in Wine and Food SIG (Shared Interest Group) back in 2009, the idea was to connect current students with alumni who are already active and successful in the industry. That remains a core intention of HAWF, along with demonstrating that wine and food are viable career paths for alums of the College and every graduate school.

I hope you'll find this website a useful introduction to the group and I hope, even more, that it will inspire you -- to reach out, to explore your interests, and to tap into this community where hospitality is the focus.

Please let me know how I can help with your journey.

Sincere regards,
Cathy Huyghe, Founder, Harvard Alumni in Wine and Food